Waiting for the Other Shoe to Drop?

Sorry to keep you holding your breath for a few days, but I met the Dark Horse earlier this week, and we had a great date. The chemistry was just as strong in person. Even though we’d spent hours on the phone and trading emails, we still found more to talk about. He’s handsome and has strong arms that I’d love to fall asleep in. We have similar kinks, complimentary D/s personalities, and a lot of vanilla interests in common. We’ve talked on the phone within an hour after saying good night on our first date, and have spoken or emailed at least a half a dozen times since then.

So why am I having doubts?

We’d talked and emailed for several weeks prior to meeting, and on some level, I was anxious to meet because I wanted to get it over with. If there wasn’t a connection, I wanted to deal with the disappointment and move on. But now that I’ve met him, I’m worried that he’s too good to be true. Is there a catch? Is everything he’s told me the truth? (I’ve met a couple guys online who seem to be living in Fantasyland and living lies, but I also think I’m pretty good at sniffing them out.)

On one hand, I think I’m somewhat reserved with my emotions when I initially meet a man. I don’t immediately let him know how I’m feeling (or, I should say, I’m not too over the top, other than to let him know I’m interested) because I want to play it cool and don’t want to scare him away. I’m also scared of getting hurt. So while I might be mentally imagining what our life might be like if things work out, I’m trying to suppress all of those feelings because I don’t want to get carried away and then get my heart broken.

With the Dark Horse, we’ve both made it clear we want to see each other again (though it will probably be a couple weeks because of the holidays and other obligations on both of our parts), and we’ll surely be talking and/or emailing regularly. So I’m left to wonder and wait…is he really as good and decent as he seems, or is there some fatal flaw beneath the surface, just waiting to be uncovered?

Time will tell, but I’m keeping my fingers crossed!

2 Responses to Waiting for the Other Shoe to Drop?

  1. KD says:

    Sounds promising J – good luck. In the meantime enjoy your holiday and have a wonderful rest!


  2. […] an interesting dual one-year anniversary. It was a year ago that I first started talking to the Dark Horse. But it is also a year since I had my first date with Mr. P. I’m sorry to say that neither of […]

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