It’s No F’in Fair

Of the last 12 weeks, I’ve had my period for 6 of them. It all started when my doctor switched me to a new birth control pill…

I finished the last of my old prescription on June 9, and had my period the week of June 10. (Period 1, Week 1.)

On June 17, I started my new prescription. (Week 2.)

On June 24, I left for vacation, and because of the time-zone change, I probably let more than 24 hours pass between taking my next pill. By the next day, I got breakthrough bleeding, and it lasted a week. (Period 2, Week 3.)

On July 7, I finished the last pill in my prescription, and had my period on the week of July 8. (Period 3, Week 5.)

Then, three blissful, period-free weeks passed.

On August 4, I finished the last pill in my prescription, and had my period on the week of August 5. (Period 4, Week 9.)

On August 23, I was again traveling and just spaced out. I forgot to take my pill that day. The next day I got breakthrough bleeding, and it lasted nearly a week. (Period 5, Week 11.)

On September 2, I finished the last pill in my prescription, and had my period again! (Period 6, Week 12.)


Kids, repeat after me: “I will not forget to take my birth control. I will not forget to take my birth control. I will not forget to take my birth control.”

2 Responses to It’s No F’in Fair

  1. aoefe says:

    Oh, it so sucks to be you right now! Sympathy sent your way.


  2. Heidi says:

    Hey, it could be worse. I have had a period for 3 months straight, and because at that time I had only had my period for 4 (four!!) years, they said my cycle “hadn’t settled down yet.”

    I ended up iron-deficient anemic, and they put me on the pill and an iron supplement.

    Have you been watching your iron? Anemia just creeps up on you, you get tired and pale and can’t figure out why. If you often have really heavy periods, try a multivitamin with iron. The straight up iron supplements tend to be too much and make your poop black. The multivitamin has less, just enough to keep your levels up if you don’t get enough from diet alone. I know I don’t. 🙂

    (I’m a nursing student, if that explains the rant)

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