TMI Tuesday #159

From TMI Tuesday:

1. Have you ever had a moving violation? An auto accident? That was your fault? Yes, I’ve had a couple (2-3) speeding tickets in my life, but all were within the first couple years after I got my license. I’ve been in two accidents. The first (when I was in my teens) was my fault. The second (a couple years ago) was someone else’s fault.
2. Have you ever voted? How old was your were you the first time you voted? Yes, many times. I was 18 the first time I voted.
3. Are you glad this election cycle is over? I’m not so much glad as I am excited. Like a lot of people, this campaign (and the last few years) have gotten me invigorated about the prospect of change. I’m looking to new beginnings.
4. Do you have guilty pleasure? What is it (or are they)? Yes, many. To name just a few: Chocolate. Staying home to read a good book. Spending too much time on the internet. Great wine.

5. What is the most embarrassing thing you have done recently? I’m not ashamed to admit to my embarrassments, but nothing comes to mind.
Bonus: How much impact has the Wall Street and general economic wilt had on you? From a business perspective, it’s actually been beneficial. From a investment standpoint, I’ve been hit as hard as anyone who’s heavily invested in the stock market.

2 Responses to TMI Tuesday #159

  1. Call me Ishmael says:

    Glad you’re back & blogging.

  2. J says:

    Thanks! I’m trying to be more diligent, but like everyone I guess I have a lot on my plate.


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