On Cloud Nine

I just spent a few wonderful days with the man I mentioned here and here. Any regrets? None so far! Our time together just reconfirmed my first impressions. And I know I got some grief for my post about my ideal man, but I just reread my list and, from what I can tell, he is almost exactly what I described. (I don’t know him well enough to know whether he meets several of the criteria.) Is he perfect? No, but none of his flaws are dealbreakers. And I hope that none of mine are dealbreakers to him.

This is going to be a short post, but I wanted to let you know that I’m alive, I survived the trip and I had an amazing time!

3 Responses to On Cloud Nine

  1. aoefe says:

    Well…I trust things are going VERY well, seen as we’ve not heard from you! Looking forward to updates when you can fit us vicarious lurkers in. lol


  2. aoefe says:

    Missing you chick!

  3. […] first: I’m sorry that I went MIA! But there’s a good reason. The man I mentioned in my prior post? We’ve spent a lot of time together, and I couldn’t ask for a better guy. My feeling […]

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