It’s Been Too Long

March 5, 2010

Hello, dear reader. (Do I have any readers left?) I’ve neglected this blog for far too long, in part because good news was hard to find last year. It’s tough to blog when the world seems to crumbling around you. But I’m slowly picking up the pieces, and things seem to be sunnier again.

I just had dinner with J2, the man who still feels like the love of my life. After kissing him good night, I couldn’t help but think back to this night, and so many of the magical memories we shared together. I treasure the times we spend together, but they’re also a bit bittersweet because I know they are fleeting.  I want to start making those memories with a new man, someone I adore–and he adores me–someone I can grow old with.  I just hope I haven’t missed my chance.

TMI Tuesday #188

May 26, 2009

TMI Tuesday #188 – Rambling Edition

1. Before the industrial revolution, most people never traveled more than 30 miles from their home. How far from your birth place do you now live? According to Mapquest, 782.19 miles away.

2. What is the fartherest distance from home you have you have ever had sex or an orgasm? What is there farthest distance you have travelled from your home to have a sexual encounter? I wouldn’t say I’ve traveled very far exclusively to have sex. (In the days when I did booty calls, the men usually lived just a few blocks away.) But I’ve regularly flown more than 2,000 miles to meet a boyfriend and I’ve had some 3,500 mile flights, too.

3. How many states (or Canadian provences or your country’s geopolitical division) and counties have you had sex and/or an orgasms in? In the US: I’ve had sex in 9 states, I think. (Too many orgasms to count!) Canada: Just one province. Countries other than the US and Canada where I’ve had sex: 4 or 5, I think.

4. Have you ever had sex in a vehicle? While the vehicle was moving? Penetration? No and no.

5. Do you have any travel related fantasy? If so, share, please. I imagine being in a car with a boyfriend who has my skirt pulled up and my shirt unbottoned, reaching over to touch as we drive (safety first!) or telling me to play with myself. I can envision him pulling over on an isolated road, telling me to get out of the car and bend over. He walks around to my side, gives my ass a few smacks or takes me quickly or puts my butt plug  in before making me get back into the car and continue on our drive. Does that count as a travel related fantasy?

Bonus: On holidays that honor our military do you tend to rememeber those currently serving or veterans of military service? I think it’s important to remember both.

Shakespeare Sonnet 57

April 12, 2009

William Shakespeare

Being your slave what should I do but tend,
Upon the hours, and times of your desire?
I have no precious time at all to spend;
Nor services to do, till you require.
Nor dare I chide the world-without-end hour,
Whilst I, my sovereign, watch the clock for you,
Nor think the bitterness of absence sour,
When you have bid your servant once adieu;
Nor dare I question with my jealous thought
Where you may be, or your affairs suppose,
But, like a sad slave, stay and think of nought
Save, where you are, how happy you make those.
So true a fool is love, that in your will,
Though you do anything, he thinks no ill.

TMI Tuesday #181

April 7, 2009

TMI Tuesday

I’m not answering some of these questions for this one, since it seems like it was written by a 15-year-old.

3. Dominate or dominated, which do you prefer? To be dominated, of course.
4. Would you/ Have you ever had a threesome? No, though it’s a great fantasy.
5. When was the last time you had sex? January 23 or 24. It was the first time we’d had sex in months, and just a day or two before I learned he’d been cheating on me for months. (Yeah…sadly I wish I’d put the pieces together much earlier.)*
6. Sex on the first date…good or bad? No thanks. Maybe good for other people, but not for me.
7. Do you have any random or out of the ordinary turn ons? Other than things I write about in this blog? No, this pretty much covers it.
8. What attributes attract you to a potential partner. Honesty, intelligence, a great sense of humor, someone who’s dominant while also gentle & kind, the proverbial “tall, dark & handsome” (though I’ve been very happy with short, dark & handsome, too).

Omitted questions:

1. Have you ever had a sexual experience with the opposite sex?
2. When you see someone you like, how do you act, how do you get their attention?

* I’ll write about it sometime soon. I looked at some old posts recently, and was sad to see how many of the clues were actually there in my writing. It’s still a tough to deal with. If you look at the Stages of Grief, I’m somewhere between depression & acceptance.

TMI Tuesday #175

February 24, 2009

TMI Tuesday #175

1. What do find is the most exciting part of a new sexual encounter? The unknown. There’s something thrilling about NOT knowing someone’s routine. You never know what’s going to come next.

2. Do you have “a most exciting part of a sexual encounter” with a usual partner? When touches my pussy for the first time after having gotten me very turned on.

3. How open and honest are you about your life with someone you just met? I’m a fairly private person. I don’t tell my life story the moment I meet them.

4. How open and honest are you about your life with someone you work with? Again, I’m a fairly private person. I have honest conversations with co-workers, but that doesn’t mean they know every detail of my life.

5. How open and honest are you about your life with a casual acquaintance who lives in your neighborhood (or the parent a your child’s friend or…)? I’m honest, but not necessarily open. My neighbors know what I do for a living, but they’re not privy to every detail of my life.

TMI Tuesday #174

February 17, 2009

TMI Tuesday #174

1. What is your favorite charity? Do you you give your time or just money to that charity? I have one charity that gets most of my time & money. (I won’t name it specifically because it’s not that big and my work is pretty prominent.) But I support a number of causes, including a couple academic institutions, charities that do work with women & children, my church and a few animal-welfare organizations.

2. Describe your bed. What side do you sleep on? Queen sized. Great sheets, lots of pillows. I sleep on the right side. (Or the left, depending on how you want to look at it.)

3. How important is a partners kissing ability? Very!

4. Have you ever “taken advantage” of a person under the influence of alcohol? Have you ever been “taken advantage” of while under the influence of alcohol? Yes to both. But I can put up a good fight if I need to, even if I’m under the influence.

5. Ever tried to replay the famous scene from From Here to Eternity? How was it? Nope, never. (I don’t even know if I’ve seen the movie.)

Bonus (as in optional): What kind of birth control do you use? The pill.

TMI Tuesday #173

February 10, 2009

TMI Tuesday #173

1. What do you think is the un-sexiest part of the body? I think every body part has its appeal.

2. Toilet paper: over, under, or what the hell are you talking about? Under

3. Have you ever called in sick to stay in bed with a sexual partner? Not that I recall.

4. Did your parents have a “birds & bees” talk with you? If so, at what age? Not that I remember, though my parents would probably say we did have it.

5. What is one thing a someone could do to you to rock your world? Tell me he loves me (and mean it)!

TMI Tuesday #172

February 3, 2009

TMI Tuesday #172

1. When you sleep with someone, how much or how little contact do you like to have? Not sure if this is referring to physical or emotional contact, but I want a lot of both. I don’t do well with casual sex.
2. What do you think is a appropriate amount of time for a divorce parent to date before introducing the kids to the “new” “special” person in their life? It depends on a lot of factors. If I were a divorced parent, I’d only introduce my child (young or old) to a man I was dating exclusively and expected to remain in a relationship with.
3. Which ONE thing do you wish you had more of in bed… romance, experimentation or foreplay? Foreplay.
4. What do you thinks makes a kiss great? Physical chemistry and experience.
5. Describe your sex life in two words. Not enough.

Bonus (as in optional): Do you remember a time when you were having sex that you smile or even laugh about now? Do tell….

Years ago my then-boyfriend and I took a cruise. If you’ve ever cruised before, you know that you typically have a dedicated room attendant who takes care of your room every day of the cruise. He or she not only makes up the room, but turns down the bed, sometimes delivers room service and handles any special requests you might have. Our room attendant, a man, had been incredibly helpful to us. One night we were skipping dinner to have sex when our room attendant came into the room. (He knew we should have been at dinner at the time, hence the fact that he didn’t knock.) He immediately put his hands over his eyes and started to back out of the room while both apologizing and asking us if we needed anything. Iadmit it, I love food (and I was missing dinner), so I called out to him, “Before you leave, can I have the chocolates that you were going to put on my pillow?” He set the chocolates on a ledge by the door before leaving. My boyfriend burst out laughing and said something, “What a life. I get to fuck you while you have another man bringing you chocolates.”

TMI Tuesday #171

January 27, 2009

From TMI Tuesday

1. What was the last movie you saw in a theater? Quantum of Solace
2. What is your favorite movie theater snack? Popcorn, extra butter
3. Have you ever snuck in ‘outside’ food into a theater? Of course, hasn’t everyone? Growing up, the closest theater didn’t actually sell food, but outside food was still prohibited. So everyone brought in outside food. Once I tried to sneak in a chocolate ice cream cone in a very loose pocket. It didn’t work so well. Now I’m more likely to sneak in my own water.
4. Have you ever made out in a theater? I dated a movie theater manager, so I’m sure I have though I don’t really remember it.
5. What is the ‘farthest’ you have gone in a theater? Again, no specific memories, but I’m sure it would have been with my boyfriend the theater manager. I lost my virginity to him (at home in bed!), so I’m sure there was some inappropriate fondling while hanging out in his office. Actually in a theater while a movie was playing, probably nothing more than some touching over the clothes. I actually go to the theater to watch the films!

Bonus (as in optional): What is one of your favorite movie sex scene? (I assume we’re talking about mainstream R-rated movies.) Anything from 9 1/2 weeks.

Who Would You Rather Be? Read & Discuss

January 26, 2009

Imagine two women, we’ll call them Sub 1 and Sub 2, and imagine two men, Dom 1 and Dom 2.

Sub 1 meets Dom 1 and thinks he’s everything she’s been looking for. Sure, he has a few flaws, but doesn’t anyone. Within a few months, they’ve said, “I love you,” and start talking about the idea of moving in with one another and eventually getting married. But there’s no rush, no sense of urgency (even though, separately, each feels some urgency at different times). They talk about vacations they want to take, places they want to visit, things they want to do together. Dom 1 has a big, important job that takes him to many places in the world. Sometimes he brings Sub 1 with him, but often he’s forced to cancel plans, or reschedule. Apologies and flowers inevitably follow. Sub 1 loves the idea of the life they dream about, but the realities of their day-to-day life is a bit more difficult. She spends long stretches of time without him. She’s sometimes forced to be independent, but sometimes she finds herself being a third wheel with her friends when Dom 1 is away. But she is the supportive girlfriend. She pushes when things get bad, and sometimes raises a fuss. But she also does all she can to support him in his job and with his family. Then Sub 1 learns that Dom 1 lied to her. Their relationship cannot go on. Their life together is over.

Sub 2 meets Dom 2 and thinks he’s everything she’s been looking for. Sure, he has a few flaws, but doesn’t anyone. Within a few months, they’ve said, “I love you,” moved in together and talk about eventually getting married. But there’s no rush, no sense of urgency (even though, separately, each feels some urgency at different times). They take travel extensively together. Dom 2 has a big, important job that takes him to many places in the world, and he often brings Sub 2 with him. Sub 2 loves their day-to-day life is a bit more difficult, even though they have to spend short stretches of time apart because of his job. But she is the supportive girlfriend. She pushes when things get bad, and sometimes raises a fuss. But she also does all she can to support him in his job and with his family. Then Sub 2 learns that Dom 2 lied to her. Their relationship cannot go on. She must move out, and find a new home. Their life together is over.

Answer & discuss: Would you rather be Sub 1 or Sub 2? is Sub 1 in the worse situation because she’s suffered while he was gone? Is Sub 2 in the worse situation because she was living with him?

And what would you say if Dom 1 and Dom 2 were the same person, and these events overlapped?

TMI Tuesday

November 18, 2008

TMI Tuesday #161

1. When did you last use your cellular telephone as a flashlight? Seriously, this is not “too much information.” This is really ITNOGASA. (Information that no one gives a shit about.) Um, never. But who cares?

2. On a scale from 1-10, how comfy are you being naked? Alone or with my significant other: 10 (assuming that 10 is the most comfortable). In front of female friends: 5. In public situations: 3.

3. What is the longest you’ve ever been celibate after having lost your virginity? Assuming celibate is being defined as “no sex with a partner with penetration,” probably about 2 years.

4. Have you ever had sex in a car? If yes, since you were a teenager? Penetration? Never. Blow jobs? Probably, but I can’t remember when.

5. When did you last use food or drink as medication? A couple hours ago.

I Couldn’t Resist

November 12, 2008

bedroom toys
Powered By Sex Stores

TMI Tuesday #159

November 4, 2008

From TMI Tuesday:

1. Have you ever had a moving violation? An auto accident? That was your fault? Yes, I’ve had a couple (2-3) speeding tickets in my life, but all were within the first couple years after I got my license. I’ve been in two accidents. The first (when I was in my teens) was my fault. The second (a couple years ago) was someone else’s fault.
2. Have you ever voted? How old was your were you the first time you voted? Yes, many times. I was 18 the first time I voted.
3. Are you glad this election cycle is over? I’m not so much glad as I am excited. Like a lot of people, this campaign (and the last few years) have gotten me invigorated about the prospect of change. I’m looking to new beginnings.
4. Do you have guilty pleasure? What is it (or are they)? Yes, many. To name just a few: Chocolate. Staying home to read a good book. Spending too much time on the internet. Great wine.

5. What is the most embarrassing thing you have done recently? I’m not ashamed to admit to my embarrassments, but nothing comes to mind.
Bonus: How much impact has the Wall Street and general economic wilt had on you? From a business perspective, it’s actually been beneficial. From a investment standpoint, I’ve been hit as hard as anyone who’s heavily invested in the stock market.

Please Vote

November 3, 2008

‘nuf said.

Too Young, Too Soon

October 29, 2008

Until a few years ago, I honestly say that I didn’t know death. I’d never lost a close friend or family member. I had only passing experiences with schoolmates who died unexpectedly. In some ways, it’s a blessed existance. But on the other hand, if you don’t experience death at an early age, you don’t learn how to grieve.

A few years ago, I lost three dear people in a matter of months. Each was, in ways, a father-figure to me, though none were related to me by blood or marriage. Illness cut short each of their lives. One died suddenly of a heart attack. One was diagnosed with cancer and died just a few weeks later. And the third fought cancer for nearly a year before it took his life.

But because each of those men were decades older than me, I was  able to take their passings in stride. I mourned the loss. I mourned their absence. I mourned that they should have many more years to spend with their families and friends. But my heart really went out to their families. I mourned the families losses, because it was and is their family who suffers the most.

But it wasn’t until earlier this year that I lost someone close to me who was my own age. His death seemed more premature. Death in your 40s seems much more unfair than death in your 70s.

Death touched me again this week. And again.

On Monday I learned about the death of an acquaintance. While we’d met on a couple occasions, I primarily knew her from afar. She lived an admirable life, but when I learned that she’d died–in her early 40s, leaving a husband and two yound children–it seemed unfair. This woman was strong, devout and dedicated to helping others. She’d successfully beaten cancer–or so it seemed–when an infection struck her down.

As this week has progressed, my mind keeps returning to thoughts of her death. They say God acts in mysterious ways, but I had a hard time understanding how God could take someone who was doing so much good. How can disease strike someone who’s so young and has so much more to accomplish in this world?

More difficult news arrived today. When I was least expecting it, I got word that a childhood friend died on Monday. Apparently she’d suffered from a brain tumor, was considered a survivor, then came out of remission.

S was my best friend for years until my family relocated. We continued to trade letters and periodically see one another before losing touch during college. Although we hadn’t spoken in years, I’d get irregular updates usually filtered through my mother. My Mom traded Christmas cards with S’s parents. S’s older sister was friends with the daughter of another of my family’s friends. News came in bits and pieces. I knew she’d graduated and gotten married, but not much more than that. I didn’t know she was childless. I didn’t know she worked in the same industry as I once worked. I didn’t know she was a passionate volunteer. I didn’t know she still was active in church, though I have fond memories of times that we spent at church together as young girls.

Just recently I was Googling out-of-touch friends. I Googled S, and found a few sites that mentioned her. Given that she lived nearby, I was surprised to see that she wasn’t signed up to attend her high school reunion. I came across a few sites that mentioned people who shared her name. Was she the author, the psychologist, the museum director, the attorney? I didn’t think so, but I didn’t know. Surely she wasn’t the person who graduated from high school in the 1970s (when we were still young). She wouldn’t be the person who was mentioned as a cancer-survivor. That couldn’t be her who was mention in several church’s prayer requests. (How odd that I didn’t make the connection, even though one such church was located in our childhood home town. “But that church is a different denomination,” I though, “It couldn’t be her.”)

When I Googled her, I stumbled across her email address. Perhaps I should email her, I thought. Wouldn’t she be surprised to hear from me? But then a bit of shyness set in. What would I say, after all of these years? No rush, I decided, we could reconnect when we’re older, and have fewer demands on our time. Now I regret not doing it, though I rationally know she probably started to slip away several weeks ago, and my message may not have reached her.

I always treasure the memories we shared. Although I haven’t seen in more than 20 years, I’ve still aways thought of her in the present tense. We didn’t interact with one another, but I still believed that those ties of friendship would endure. It sadness me to know that I missed the chance to reconnect with one of my childhood best friends.

Rules for Dominants

October 26, 2008

I’ve been dating my boyfriend for the last year. In some respects, it’s my first long-term relationship with a dominant man (at least, my first LTR where we acknowledge our dominance and submission). I searched long and hard for a dominant man. And while I was searching, I made a common mistake: I started to imagine my dream relationship, and it was perfect. Unfortunately, I met my dream man, and my fantasy relationship collided with reality. It’s easy in this internet age to read to much online. You read blogs that detail the blogger’s perfect life. You read stories where people talk about their perfect relationship. You meet someone online who tells you exactly what he’s looking for, and you imagine that it could be true.

But what you forget is that real life is never perfect. People get sick. People get mad. People have bad days at work. People take other people for granted. People get stressed out. People sneeze and poop and fart. People yell. People are inconsiderate. People have families. People have other demands on their life.

The last eight months of my relationship have been up and down. There have been a lot of fantastic times together, but there have also been a lot of tears, some harsh words for one another, and some questions about whether we are really meant to be together. Some of these tensions have been brought upon us because the outside world has interfered. But that’s life…there will always be demands from work and friends and family. You can’t avoid it. But, in our relationship, it’s caused tension. When we’re together, we’re terrific. When we’re apart, things start to unravel. Unfortunately, for reasons outside of our control (mainly work, but also elderly family members who need each of our attentions), we spend more time than we’d like apart.

I must admit that I’m often the one who starts the fights. I’m the one who is hurting and lashes out at him because I’m feeling neglected. That’s one dirty secret that blogs and the rest of the internet will never tell you: Even doms don’t always feel like having sex sometimes. Even subs get mad. Even doms make mistakes. Even subs make demands. Even doms apologize.

A dozen times I’ve asked myself, “Am I staying in this relationship because I’m submissive? (In other words, I love him, but am I too forgiving?) Is he acting the way he’s acting because he’s dominant? (In other words, does he neglect me sometimes because he thinks he can get away with it?)“I don’t have the answers. I’m fighting to make this relationship succeed, but there are times I wonder if I’m fighting too hard. When our relationship is good, it’s great. When our relationship is bad, I’m miserable.

I have certain expectations for a relationship, and if those expectations aren’t being met, then I have to seriously consider whether I want to remain in the relationship. Just today, after another phone call filled with tears, I hung up and thought to myself, “Can a submissive give her dominant partner rules that he must agree to obey?” In some ways, it’s not very different from a submissive who has a list of non-negotiables. But my non-negotiables are things like, “We have to talk every night if we’re falling asleep in separate cities,” and “Please don’t cancel plans without first talking to me about it.”

So I’m curious. For those of you who are submissive and in a long-term relationship, what spoken or unspoken expectations do you have of your dom? What bad behavior makes you say, “Stop it! That’s not fair. This is something I need out of a relationship!” Or am I just a bad sub for not silently suffering?

Hard Days (and Nights)

August 25, 2008

It’s been a tough two weeks, and with each day that passes, it becomes more doubtful that my relationship with survive. I’ve been in so much pain, and the man who I love is the one who’s caused it. It hurts even more that I can’t turn to him for comfort.

I wake up each day, and then watch the clock, wondering how I’ll make it to the end of the day. Not that things improve once I’m back in bed. I have trouble falling asleep, and once I do, I wake up early and can’t fall back asleep. Sleeping aids seem to have little or no effect. I don’t know why I’m so eager to make it through each day, but I guess I’m just waiting for some finality to the situation. One way or another, I need to start the process of healing and recovery, and I can’t do that until things are resolved. In the meantime, I take it second-by-second, minute-by-minute, hour-by-hour, day-by-day, week-by-week.

Time. Drags. On. So. Slowly.

He broke my trust in him. The sequence of events started with what I believe was a lie, and was then followed with a series of promises that he subsequently broke. It hurt on so many levels. It hurts because I was lied to. But it also hurts because at the same time that he was breaking my trust in him, he was pushing me away. Telling me he didn’t want to spend time with me. Hurting me because it seemed as if he wasn’t craving me as much as I was craving him.

He behaved inconsiderately and selfishly. He admits that. But he hasn’t made any effort to correct those behaviors. And he’s refused to talk to me on the phone, communicating instead through the occassional text message and email. I hate that he’s behaving childishly, and has resorted to passive-aggressive communication methods.

I admit that my behavior over the last two week hasn’t always been admirable. I’ve yelled. I’ve been stubborn. I’ve been demanding. And I’m not proud of that. But I feel pushed into a corner, driven to act out. I don’t want to be the proverbial “submissive doormat,” but he was treating me like I was one.

I’ve told him that our relationship is in jeopardy. I’ve told him that his actions send me the message that he wants out. He denies it. He brushes it off, tells me not to worry, tells me that all will be OK and that he loves me. I wonder how two people can be viewing the same situation and take away such differing opinions of it.

I’m not sure why I’ve held on for these last two weeks. Why didn’t I just end it all when the shit first hit the fan? I guess I optimistically expected that he’d fix it. He’d make it better. He’d show me that it was all a mistake.

But he hasn’t.  He says one thing, but his actions speak volumes…and they’re saying something else. His actions tell me that I’m not a priority. His actions say that he has no problem treating me inconsiderately. His actions indicate that he has no interest in saving this relationship.

Why am I still here? Why am I still waiting for this grand gesture? I guess I’m scared. I guess I’m still holding out hope. I lose a little respect for myself here. Why have I let him treat me this way? Why haven’t I just walked away? Why am I leaving the door open for him, knowing he can behave this way, knowing that if I forgive him he might do this again?

I am scared. And I love his positive character traits. I can’t imagine finding someone who is his equal. I realize I’m getting old. The dating pool is growing smaller. I’ve looked at the profiles on Alt and CM and, and I’ve gotten disillusioned. It seems hopeless. I want the happily-ever-after story, and I thought I’d found it in him. I searched and searched and searched, and I thought I’d found him.

Now I’m not so sure.

Summer in the City

July 9, 2008

It’s another one of those days where I just want to melt. Hot, humid, sticky. I keep positioning myself in front of the air conditioner vent, where I can enjoy the cool breeze.

I realize I’ve been bad at posting lately. It’s a combination of factors. I’ve never told my boyfriend about this blog, and wouldn’t feel comfortable having him read my posts about encounters with other men, so I feel less guilty about it when I’m not posting. I also like keeping some of the intimate details to myself. And work has kept me busy of late!

Actually–that part about the intimate details?–lately there haven’t been many. In the last 6 weeks, I think we’ve spent about 10 days together, and I haven’t seen him at all for nearly 3 weeks. He’s been going in one direction, and I’ve been going in another.

But I woke up this morning to find a note from him, telling me to pack because we’re getting on a plane this evening and will be gone for 5 days. Hurray! This isn’t really a vacation–we’re supposed to be leaving for one of those in another 10 days–but it is a much-needed chance to spend some time together.

It’s ironic. We live just a few blocks from one another, but we seem to spend more time together in cities other than our own. Of those 10 days together in the last 6 weeks? I think we spent just one of those days together in our hometown. The rest were (not) here, there and everywhere.

I told him one day during this recent stretch apart that I needed some more dominance in my life. When we’re apart, we don’t have many rituals or requirements that I’m required to follow. So I need some dominance, a bit of Daddy time, to bring me back to center. I’m hoping I’ll feel some of that this week. I miss it, and when we’ve been apart this long, I sometimes forgot how it makes me feel. This will bring me back to center.

In the meantime, I’m heading to the airport!

The Stranger

June 17, 2008

The restaurant was small and dark, and it was impossible not to brush against other tables and diners as we were making our way to our seats. But the proprietor sat us at what was probably the best table in what was probably the best section; it was a table for two adjacent to the huge window facing the street.

It was later in the evening, and this restaurant was an unexpected, last-minute choice. Given that it was a weeknight, there were only two other tables occupied, and I kept glancing at the man seated in my direct eyeline. He had a weak chin that he’d attempted to hide with a beard, and he reminded me of someone, but I didn’t recognize him or his female dining companion. The other table–at which sat two men–was directly to my right and cloaked in a shadow.

We opened a bottle of wine and started to relax, chatting as we perused the menu. Almost unconsciously, I found myself glancing to the bearded man, and then to the other table. Something familiar kept causing me to look their way, but I couldn’t put my finger on it, and I didn’t try. Each time I turned to look, the action was reflexive, driven by instinctively by something, but I couldn’t say what it was. I was hardly aware that I was even glancing around, and each time I did, my eye focused on the bearded, weak-chinned man who I thought I recognized.

Suddenly I turned my head again. It wasn’t the weak-chinned man who was catching my attention, it was a familiar voice. I turned again to the two men sitting at my right, and my eyes immediately fell on one of them. My heart froze for a second, then I slowly turned my head back to my boyfriend and resumed our conversation, though my mind was hardly focused on the words coming out of my mouth.

I didn’t look again, but within a minute I was aware that the men were standing up, gathering their things, and walking out the door. My boyfriend started to ask me a question, but I halted him as I waited for the men to walk down the sidewalk past our table in the picture window.

“That guy used to be one of my best friends,” I told him after they’d walked down the street. “I haven’t talked to him or heard from him in about 5 years. I didn’t even realize that he’d moved back to the city.”

I was introduced to D on my first day at college. I was a freshman, and T was the first person I met when I arrived on campus. D was T’s his best friend, and T introduced me to D, a senior. They both lived down the hall from me, and I was flattered and happy to make the aquaintance of two attractive upperclassman. For the first month or two, I think D saw me simply as one of a gaggle of girls who competed for his attentions. But slowly, we found some shared interests and carved out something of a friendship. Admittedly, I had a small crush on him, though he showed no signs of being interested in me romantically, but every sign of being interested in me as a person.

That year flew by, and quickly came to an end. D graduated, and I couldn’t tell you what he did immediately after graduation. Maybe he stayed in town, working at a local job. Maybe he left immediately and I just got periodic updates about him. We weren’t close enough to be in direct contact after he moved away, but we shared a lot of mutual friends. I’d think of him sporadically, but he wasn’t at the forefront of my mind.

My college years were a wonderful whirlwind, and before I knew it, senior year had arrived. I went home from the Christmas holiday, and flew back to the city shortly after the new year. It was a cold, wet January day, and I decided to take a commercial shuttle from the airport to campus. The dispatcher pointed me to the van, and told me we’d be leaving in a few minutes. I climbed in and started to get settled when a voice greeted me from the back of the bus. I turned around, and it was D.

He was moving back in town after working elsewhere for several years. We spent the entire ride catching up, and, since his future roommates wouldn’t be home for another couple hours, I invited him over to my apartment to hang out. We spent hours together catching up with one another before he headed over to his new home. As I think about it now, that chance encounter probably cemented a new, closer stage of our relationship.

Within months I had graduated, and we’d both moved to homes further from campus and closer to our jobs in the city. Our offices were just several blocks from one another, so on a regular basis we’d meet for lunch. I can also recall many night spent hanging out at my house or his. By this time I was in a serious relationship, and I’d long moved past the idea that there ever might be a romantic relationship with D. That was confirmed the day we met for lunch and he told me that he was gay. I was the first straight friend who he came out to, and he was a bit let down that the announcement didn’t generate more of a suprised or shocked reaction. A few months later, at his request, I broke the news to our mutual friend T.

As the years flew by, our relationship grew even closer, and he became my family away from home. We celebrated holidays together. We commisserated over failed relationships. We took vacations together. We spent many a summer hour sitting in his garden, listening to music, drinking wine and cooking dinner. On the morning of September 11, I sat in front of his television and together we watched what seemed like the world collapsing.

Within a year, our relationship had fallen to pieces. To this day I don’t know what caused it, though I’ve often wondered if his then-boyfriend, always kind and cordial toward me, might have been a factor. After all, little else had changed in our friendship, but with the arrival of this boyfriend (and, perhaps not coincidentally, with the arrival of a new boyfriend for me, too) we started to see less of one another. Holidays passed without joint celebration. Our communication was reduced to quick phone calls and short emails. Then I got an email from him, “We’re moving to another state. I have a couple things of yours, but they accidentally got packed. I’ll send them when we’re settled in.”

Then there was silence.

I got no reply to my emails. I never saw my possessions. (I was less concerned with my possessions and more concerned with our dissolving friendship.) I was hurt when I sent him a note sharing some bad news but got no acknowledgement in reply. A mutual friend fell upon hard times, and I read about it in the paper; at that point I wouldn’t have expected D to contact me about it, but I was surpised that D never called when our friend died. By that time I’d given up trying. I’d reached out to him too many times in the past, and was stonewalled at every effort. The rejection was too painful. Plus, other friends also felt as if he’d turned his back on us. That at least gave me some comfort; I shouldn’t take it too personally.

And then I found myself sitting less than 4 feet away from him. I was stunned at the notion that I didn’t even recognize someone who’d been such a close friend, someone who I’d known for nearly two decade. Should I say something? Did he recognize me? What would I say after all of these years? A dozen thoughts raced through my mind, but in the end I did nothing. After all, he was a stranger to me.

Saying Goodbye

May 4, 2008

I said goodbye to you tonight. It was something I’d never imagined, because in my mind you were immortal. It shook me to my core to learn that wasn’t the case. I saw so many old, familiar faces. The only one that was missing was yours. Though you were certainly present in our memories. “Remember when…?” “Can you believe…?” “Don’t you miss…?” But the biggest question was the one for which we have no answers: Why? Why did you want to kill yourself? Didn’t you see any other possible solutions? How could you not have realized that we all loved you, cared for you, would have given an arm and a leg to help you?

I hate that we had to reunite under these circumstances. I wish we could have been celebrating a birth or wedding or anniversary. Anything but a death. Anything but your death.


He’s Up to Something

March 2, 2008

The boyfriend has something up his sleeve, but won’t give me any clues other than cryptic ones. Part of me suspects that he’s sneaked out of town to go talk to my parents. I’m an old fashioned girl, and I’ve told him that I’d like him to ask for their permission before asking me to get married. Of course, that hasn’t stopped him from making a dozen or more soft proposals over the last few months.

On waiting on pins and needles to find out what he’s up to!

The Life of a Submissive

February 19, 2008

The last few months have been amazingly busy, and the BF and I have been on the go. But several times in the course of doing out-of-the-ordinary activities, I’ve paused to think (sometimes seriously, sometimes in jest): “Such is the life of a submissive.”


…we’re in his native land–a place where I don’t speak more than a few words of the local language–and I have to rely on him to translate the conversations for me, I feel submissive.

…in front of his family and friends, he tells me it’s time for me to go to bed, I feel submissive.

…I know he’s master of the manor, but I didn’t think that meant I’d find myself, armed with a wheelbarrow and rake, doing yardwork while he supervised! It puts a new spin on the idea of master and servant. *g*

…we’re visiting his friends’ house, and I’m perched on their sofa with my ankles delicately crossed. I lean over and whisper, “May I cross my legs, please?” He shakes his head, “No.” I feel submissive.

…I have to ask him for permission to go to the bathroom, even when it means waking him up in the middle of our 8-hour plane trip, I feel submissive.

…he calls me up and says, “Pack your suitcases, we’re going somewhere but it’s a surprise,” I feel submissive (and spoiled!).

Does Anyone Remember…

January 31, 2008

I’m a faithful reader of the smut on, as well as the stories posted on and similar sites. A few years ago I read an incredibly hot story that I think was posted on ASSTR, but I’m unable to find it, even doing a pretty detailed search via Google. Maybe someone else remembers it, and can point me to a link? As best I remember it…

The story featured a woman who met up with a dominant guy. They drove to a store where he bought a box of pens or pencils, then made her stick them in her pussy, one by one, slowly stretching her out. At another point in the story, he put an inflatible ball of some sort (maybe a football) into her cunt and inflated it. Toward the end of the story he pierced and padlocked her pussy, then left without contacting her for a month or two. The story was a bit extreme, but very hot, and I’d love to read it again!

If anyone can supply me with a link, I’d be very grateful!

D/s or Abuse?

January 31, 2008

About a month ago, I spent time with one of my childhood friend, and a couple weeks later I spent time with another childhood friend. They, too, were friends as children, but now I am the conduit through which they keep in touch. The three of us (and many of our other childhood friends) are spread across the country and globe, so I don’t often have the chance to see them in person, though we keep in touch via phone and email. At times, however, as much as a decade has passed between face-to-face visits.

Because we haven’t grown up together in-person (we were together in our early teens, but not during high school or college or post-college), I think our views of one another are sometimes stuck in the past. I can spend hours talking to Mona on the phone–hearing about her husband and their daughter–but when I see her in person, she is at least partially still that pre-adolescent girl who I met a couple dozen of years ago who is barely old enough to babysit. Or Ricki comes to visit, and I’m happily surprised at the woman who wants to nest for the weekend because I still remember the teenager who thought she was missing something if she didn’t go out every single night.

Ricki’s in a relationship with a man who I consider to be dominant, yet mentally abusive. This isn’t consentual D/s, unless you consider the fact that she was fully aware of his personality when she chose to marry him. In their relationship, it’s all about him, and he fails to take into account their collective interests when making a decision that affects both of them.

For example, they’ve twice relocated because of his job. In one case, they moved to a place where she was all but unemployable. After several years she was finally able to obtain a job, and then they promptly moved again. They now live 10 minutes from his office, and 90 minutes from hers. He easily makes 10 times her salary, yet he insists that they evenly split their housing costs. She suffers from some moderately serious health problems, and after a long week at work, there are weekends where she just wants to chill out at home. Yet he becomes irate–and threatens divorce–blaming her for the fact that they don’t know many people in this city where they’ve lived for about a year.

I may be a submissive woman myself, but when I spend time with Ricki, I just want to tell her to get a backbone. The fact is, her husband’s a selfish jerk. He only cares about himself. If he’s not having fun, he’s going to pack up his toys and go home. But is it abuse? Do the pros outweigh the cons? I can only guess based on what I’ve observed. He’s successful. He’s charismatic. He’s rich. He’s smart. He’s gregarious. He’s drop-dead gorgeous. But he’s also selfish. He’s shallow. He’s childish. He’s unsupportive.

I think Ricki feels as if she’ll never find another man who matches up to his good qualities (even though she herself is smart, worldly, fun and model-beautiful…she could attract a wonderful man, and in the past she has). It frustrates me, because I remember the girl who I first knew, who wouldn’t put up with crap from anyone, and loved and respected herself. As much as I adore her, in her 30s she’s become a bit shallow. I think she likes having a rich, handsome husband. But is it worth the pain? I think not. But then again, I’m not in her shoes. Might, someday, I be married and have my friends wonder, “What does she see in that jerk?”

Time Flies By

January 28, 2008

The other day I realized that Valentine’s Day is rapidly approaching, and my mind started to wander back in time. Last year, I was going on a first date on Valentine’s Day with Guy #3, or so I thought. Then I remembered, it wasn’t one year ago, but two. Where does the time go? I thought about it some more, then realized what I was forgetting: That I’d wasted almost a year with the Dark Horse. At one point, he was the first person I thought of when I woke up in the morning and the last I thought about before falling asleep. He was also the person I talked to most frequently each day–we’d often spend hours on the phone. Now, I might trade an email or IM with him once a month or so. The last time he called, I let it go to voicemail. Isn’t it odd how people come into our lives–people who we think will be in our lives forever–and then disappear as quickly as they appeared?

Things with the BF are wonderful. Our relationship has felt very comfortable–but passionate–since the day we first met. I think one of the reasons it works so well is that we both work well together in a variety of roles. When we’re alone with one another, it’s Daddy and his little girl. When we host a dinner party, we naturally work well together as host and hostess. Recently we were in a resort destination for a board meeting he had to attend, and I was quite happy to be his intelligent, attractive arm candy–as comfortable seated next to his boss at dinner as I was talking to my BF’s subordinates and their spouses over cocktails. He knows I’ll make him proud in any of these situations, and I do my best to make him proud.

Just a quick post to let you know that I’m alive and well!

Rosacea and BDSM

December 27, 2007

I have rosacea. It’s an affliction that affects a lot of people, but I’ve never read anything about dealing with rosacea while in a D/s relationship.

If you’re not familiar with rosacea, it’s a skin condition that’s actually a variant of acne. But unlike acne, it involves a lot more than zits (and sometimes involves no zits whatsoever). There are a lot of symptoms that accompany rosacea, and not every person who suffers from it experiences the same symptoms. One way that rosacea manifests itself as a bulbous red nose; Bill Clinton is a famous sufferer. Other symptoms include highly sensitive skin (which may react to heat, to cold, to sun, to wind, to anything abrasive, to florescent lights, to alcohol, to hot beverages, to sugars, to cosmetics, to stess, to exercise…in other words, to just about everything), redness across the face, watery eyes, broken blood vessels and small bumps on the face.

Last night my BF and I got home from a great night out. We’d enjoyed a delicious pre-Christmas meal with a friend. It had been a few days since we’d last seen each other, so when we got home, things quickly got hot and heavy. We were kissing, there was spanking, there was a lot of hard fucking. It was wonderful. Until it wasn’t.

My BF gets a fairly heavy 5 o’clock shadow. By 9 or 10 p.m., it’s even more dense. And when he’s kissing me hard and rubbing his face against mine, it can become too much.

By the time all was said-and-done, I was suffering horribly. I was crying, and had to jump out of bed to race to the bathroom. Imagine that you’ve gotten a horrible sunburn on your face–it’s red, the skin is hot and tight, it hurts to just touch it, and some spots are even a bit swollen or blistered. Now imagine feeling like that and having a stiff brush rubbed against your face dozens or hundreds of times. That’s what I felt like at the time. Even today, 12 hours later, my face feels like it got run over by a truck–and it looks it, too. From my upper-left forehead, across my left cheek and upper lip, down to my chin, I look blotchy and still feel a stinging sensation, even when I’m not touching my skin. My most soothing moisturizers made my face burn.

For people who don’t have rosacea, it can be hard to understand. And I hate to sound like a whiny girl who ruins the mood by asking my lover to shave his face. Several times I’ve tried to explain my condition. A few times I’ve talked to him about it when we’re not in the heat of the moment. And I understand how easy it is to forget. After all, when he’s stubbly, he doesn’t feel any pain.

I’m fortunate in that my rosacea is relatively mild compared to many sufferers. So I’ve never thought of rosacea as a handicap that limits my D/s activities. And I’ve rarely had a lover who was so passionate that it irritated me so seriously. (Though, more times than I can count, I’ve asked past BFs to shave before bed.)

Obviously it’s time for another discussion about my affliction. I hope I can make him understand without sounding like a nag or a girl who’s crying wolf. If you have rosacea, how have you helped your partner understand the problems it can cause?

Merry Christmas

December 24, 2007

Best wishes to all of my friends out in the blogging world! I hope you find that Santa’s left lots of presents under your tree.

Condoms, Trust and Saying No

December 19, 2007

Always Aroused Girl has made a couple posts about her experience with a trusted lover who promised her that he was using condoms with all other lovers. In time she discovered that this man had betrayed her, and was actually going condom free with several other lovers who each also believed that she was the only one with whom he was condom-free.

It got me to thinking about an incident I’ve tried to block out of my mind.

Earlier this year, I woo’ed by, then dumped by, a man I met online. He lived halfway across the country, so we spent several months getting to know one another through emails, phone calls and text messages. We discussed our expectations in anticipation of our first meeting. We talked about the best- and worst-case scenarios. (I thought) we opened our hearts to each other.

Before our first date, I warned him that I don’t sleep with men on the first date. In fact, I don’t have sex with a man until I’m sure it’s likely to become a relationship. He told me that he’d had a relationship with every woman he’s slept with. Even if no sex was involved, I told him, I hoped to spend the night sleeping wrapped in his arms. And we both agreed that in some respects it didn’t feel like a first date because we’d gotten to know each other so well. Even though we’d never met face-to-face, I felt as if a level of trust had developed between us.

That first night we went out to dinner. There was wine involved, but the quantities were relatively modest. I wasn’t drunk, and I don’t think he was, either. After dinner, we went back to his hotel room. That, in itself, wasn’t a surprise. I’d met him before dinner at his hotel. I’d even been up to his room before dinner, and he was a perfect gentleman. I wanted to go back to his hotel room.

Clothes were removed. Body parts were touched and kissed and fondled and bitten. Soon, he made it clear that he wanted to have sex, and I agreed. Get a condom, I insisted. He initially balked, but finally got one from his toiletry kit. We started to have sex. We stopped to engage in more fun that didn’t involve penetration. We started to have sex again. We stopped again. He removed the condom and we continued in our passionate ways, minus pentration. We were both having fun, and there didn’t seem to be any pressure to rush things.

I rolled onto my side, with my back to him. Suddenly he forced himself into me. “No Daddy,” I whimpered. “Please, no, stop.”

He didn’t. It lasted only a brief moment in time–maybe less than a minute–before he came inside me. “It’s OK, baby,” he said. “I’ve been tested. I’m safe. I haven’t been with anyone since I was tested 6 months ago.”

I didn’t argue. We curled up together an fell asleep.

I saw him one more before he left town. There was no sex involved. But in the back of my mind, I had a nagging feeling. Without any discussion, he’d fucked me without a condom. I hadn’t given permission. I’d asked him to stop. He didn’t. But for some reason, I found myself willing to overlook it. After all, I cared about this man. I’d fallen for him, head over heels, before we even met. And the rest of our time together–you know, except for the part where he was fucking me against my will without a condom–was magical. For whatever reason, I felt willing to forgive him for that heat-of-the-moment transgression.

He left town and we started to make plans for our next visit. Then, without warning, he disappeared as quickly as he’s appeared.

In my anger over what could have been, I also started to get angry over the sex. I was upset and bothered on a lot of levels, but I was also upset with myself, because to some extent I was willing to forgive him. Some of the things that went through my mind when dealing with the ramifications:

  • I said no, and he ignored me. But in the BDSM world, when does “no” really mean “no”? We hadn’t set a safeword, so should he have listened to me when I said “no”?
  • If I’d really meant it, couldn’t I have pulled away from him, gotten up and walked out the door?
  • He never asked if I’d been tested, nor did he ask if I was on birth control. The irony is that he has two children under the age of 5 with two women. The younger of the kids–the one who wasn’t even a year old at the time–was an accidental pregnancy with his ex-girlfriend. Shouldn’t a man who’s recently made that mistake ensure that he takes all precautions to prevent another unplanned pregnancy?
  • I have no insurance, and the cost of a full battery of STD tests costs real money. I walked into my local free clinic a month or two later, and immediately turned around and left. It was dirty. The clientele looked seedy. The wait would be hours, and they took no appointments. Eventually I broke down and got the tests from my OB-GYN. It was an expensive lesson, but fortunately the results were clean.
  • This man was previously a law-enforcement officer. And not just any old small-town police officer. He worked for a federal law enforcement agency. (And, yes, it’s the one you’re probably thinking of.) He’s now an executive at a big company, where he reports to the CEO. (The kind of position where you worry about your image, and don’t do things outside of work that could tarnish your image at the office.) Aren’t these the kinds of people we should be able to trust?
  • He has daughters who are close to my age. How would he feel if a man treated one of his daughters this way?
  • If you agree to sex under certain conditions (with a condom) and then the conditions change (the condom is removed) and you say “no” is it date rape?
  • Why was I willing to forgive him for ignoring my wishes when I thought things were going well between us, but I became so angry about the incident when things fell apart?

I’ve asked myself all of these questions, and more, over the last six months. And I don’t have the answers. Most of the time I’m able to put it out of my mind, but Always Aroused Girl’s recent post brought the memories back to me. It’s still upsetting because of what happened, and because of the way that I reacted–or didn’t react–to the situation.

Life is Good

December 17, 2007

I’m such a bad blogger! This is supposed to be my journal that details dating in the BDSM world, and as soon as I meet someone wonderful, I drop off the face of the earth. I’m sorry 😦

Things are terrific, and I could hardly ask for more. He’s met some of my family. I’ve met some of his and will meet some more family members shortly after Christmas. We’ve been traveling together a lot, and have some more trips planned for the next few months. We’re meeting each other’s friends. We’ve looked at collars (at Tiffany’s!), and we’ve talked about getting engaged. It’s fast, but it feels right.

I’ve waited all of my life to meet a man like this, and now I know it was worth the wait!

Through Rose-Colored Glasses

October 29, 2007

First things first: I’m sorry that I went MIA! But there’s a good reason. The man I mentioned in my prior post? We’ve spent a lot of time together, and I couldn’t ask for a better guy. My feeling for him grow stronger by the day. I just returned from a weeklong trip with him, and I’m already missing him already. (We’ll be apart for a coupld days.) But this weekend we’ll be together again, and I’ll be meeting some of his family. (He’ll be meeting some of mine over Thanksgiving.)

The one thing I’ve come to realize: My previously, albeit limited, experience with D/s hasn’t been real-world experience. On the handful of times that the Dark Horse and I had honest-to-goodness, face-to-face dates (as opposed to hours spent on phone calls and trading emails), I was seeing the world through rose-colored glasses. Everything was wonderful because we didn’t let the outside world ontrude on those 4 or 6 or 8 hours at a stretch that we were together. The same is true of other dominant men I’ve met. The only exception would be my relationship with J2, but while ours was a relationship between a dominant man and a submissive woman, we didn’t use those labels, or incorporate a lot of D/s elements into our interactions.

So for years I’ve been fantasizing, and imagining the “ideal” D/s relationship. I’d forgotten that reality often interferes.

Before I talk about interference from the real world, let me just say that he’s great. (And, yes, I need to come up with a nickname for him.) He’s funny, charming, intelligent, successful, kind, strict, a gentleman and a dominant. And I adore him for being all of those things. And he adores me. But the real world? More often than not, I now realize that it can easily interfere on that “perfect” D/s relationship.

Last night I was lying in bed, trying to fall asleep. We’d had a bigger than normal dinner, and my stomach was aching. I had a butt plug in my ass, and wanted nothing more than to take it out because, as I said, my stomach was aching and (at the risk of providing TMI) I was a little gassy. He and I prefer to sleep in rooms that are different temperatures, so while he was comfortable–and snoring–I was cold. With an aching stomach. And an uncomfortable butt plug buried in my ass. Did I mention that I also have cystitis? Too much great fucking, of course. But that isn’t really much consolation when you have to run to the bathroom every 15 minutes, even when almost nothing comes out. That comes on the heels of me having had a cold and the flu (separately, of course). So I’ve been healthy for about one day during the entire time he’s known me. This weekend I also had an allergic reaction to some new lube we’d bought. We finished having sex, and I ran for the shower. Nothing like a burning feeling on top of already feeling as if your pussy’s raw. Oh, and remember the never-ending period? Yeah, I’ve been bleeding 3 out of the last 5 weeks. So I was lying awake in a hotel room last night, aching stomach, UTI, uncomfortable butt plug, cold, listening to him snore and thinking about the fact that I was probably bleeding on white sheets (because he wants me to sleep naked and it’s sort of hard to believe that I’m still bleeding). But there are a lot of things we have in common. Like the fact that I love to suck cock, and he has a cock 😉 Just one little problem, one I’ve never encountered before. He has a huge cock. So big that I can now understand how you could get TMJ from blowjobs.

I’m not complaining. I absolutely adore him, and could see myself with him til I’m old and gray. I’ve just finally come to realize that even in the best of situations, sometimes the real world can interfere with the best situation! But we’re both making the best of it, and we’re both able to laugh about it.